Top 10 Statues worldwide

top 10 statues worldwide

Top 10 Statues worldwide | Let’s go sculpture hunting! The first five are easy to catch. Your journey would include Berlin, Rome, Florence and Paris …

10 Facts about Norway

10 facts norway

10 Facts about Norway | One needs to love the cold to enjoy Norway. Only then the country has one real piece of beauty to offer: nature!

Countries to avoid in Africa

Countries to avoid in Africa

Countries to Avoid in Africa | The list of travel warnings for countries in Africa is endless. From Libya in the north to Lesotho in the south almost every country fills a chapter …

Countries to avoid in Latin America

countries avoid latin america

Countries to avoid in Latin America: Colombia is on this list. The northern Caribbean coast of Colombia has some of the most beautiful private beaches in the world. But you better don’t go there …

Countries to avoid in Asia

Countries avoid Asia

Countries to avoid in Asia | Today we start a new mini series with three articles about countries to avoid as a tourist. Starting with Asia, we will hop to Latin America tomorrow and finish in Africa on Thursday …

Disappointing travel destination: Petra, Jordan

Disappointing travel destination Petra Jordan

Disappointing travel destination Petra Jordan | Our last disappointing travel destination is Petra in Jordan. Petra, the mysterious city of the Nabataeans, came to prominence as a powerful trading post on the Silk Route …