

Drainspotting | Whatever destination we do explore, we always hope to satisfy our drainspotting addiction, too. If a manhole or drain cover catches our attention we take a snap of the object of desire. Some drain covers are pretty spectacular, especially the older ones …

If you’re going to San Francisco

If you're going to San Francisco. Photo by The Travelling Chili.

First of all: in our opinion San Francisco is not one of the most amazing cities on earth. If you have ever been to Prague, Paris, Amsterdam, Venice or Florence you know why. But within the United States, SF is a front runner. That we must admit. Still, don’t expect too much if you’re going to San Francisco …

Hawaii – Setting the Record Straight

Hawaii Setting Record Straight

Hawaii Setting Record Straight | For decades the word “Hawaii” has been music in the ears of leisure travelers, mostly from Japan and the U.S. They listen to a smaltzy song like “Aloha Oe” by Queen Lilioukalani and start to have this delusion about Hawaii: a place close to paradise …

Avenue of the Baobabs Latitude Longitude

Avenue of the Baobabs Latitude Longitude

Here comes another really awesome viral picture that captures people’s imagination: A street lined with huge Baobab trees. This instafamous snapshot was taken somewhere in Madagascar. So far so good. But where exactly? …

Cabin with Tree Rooftop Latitude Longitude

Sod Roof in immediate need of repair.

Green roofs may be a new phenomenon elsewhere, but in Norway people have been planting gras and flowers atop their houses for a few hundred years already. Lush green on the roof just happens to keep a house better insulated. There are obvious advantages such as maintaining regular temperatures within the dwellings and stabilizing the houses themselves. Only sometimes things get out of control …

Tunnel of Love Latitude Longitude

Tunnel of love latitude longitude:

Tunnel of Love – Instafamous, but where on earth is it? Via Social Media we receive a constant trickle of famous snapshots: the Eiffel Tower, Golden Gate Bridge, Sydney Opera House, Forbidden City in Beijing, the Leaning Tower of Pisa etc etc. Many of these snapworthy sites around the globe we simply let pass by. We’ve been there, we’ve done that. But some catch our imagination and stick in our forehead like glue …